The little boy is doing well :)
To think that just over a week ago he was confused and not really listening to me, and now his ear is on me all the time.
His circle has improved tremendously, he will walk over poles on the ground with out any fuss, and he walk and halt is great. He is such a sweetie - he'll come to a halt and then stand there with his front leg twitching waiting for the command "and William, walk on", and off he goes again.
Occasionally he gets a little worried so stops and gives me the "confused eye" so that I know what going on and I can sort things out, and off he sets back onto the lunge :)
I am taking things slow as trot is still a little worrying for him, but there is no rush and by just doing a few strides a day we will get there.
He is changing shape all the time, although getting a little on the podgy side...someone is enjoying tea a little bit too much. ahaa. Still doesn't understand why he would want to eat and apple or polo, unsurprisingly Mayfly is more than happy to have them seeing as he isn't interested though!!
aww yay glad he's coming on so well :) :)